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GrantShares is a community-driven grants program governed by the GrantShares DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), with the goal of fostering independent projects in the Neo ecosystem. The program is an extension of the already existing Neo Eco Support and funding is primarily provided by the Neo Foundation.

The GrantShares DAO is composed and governed by the GrantShares Council Members - also simply called Members - which are initially chosen by the Neo Foundation. The initial members are a small group of individuals/entities well known for their long-term contributions in the Neo ecosystem and with an incentive to increase Neo’s impact and reach through community activities. GrantShares members have voting power on proposals submitted to the GrantShares DAO. This happens in public. The analysis and discussions of proposals is open to anyone.

The technical implementation and maintenance of the project is performed by AxLabs with support from NNT, Red4Sec, CoZ, and other sponsored Neo community members.