GrantShares is designed to give the Neo community more agility to execute initiatives beyond those directly supported by the programs in Neo Eco Support.
Currently, groups seeking financial support are required to submit proposals to Neo Foundation in order to receive approval and funding. Each project is evaluated for strategic purposes with a high threshold for approval. In the case of sponsored community groups, this allows the Neo Foundation to effectively manage its budget while incentivising the groups to deliver on supported projects at the highest quality. But, getting grants for dedicating resources to more experimental or research-based projects, or growth initiatives such as workshops and competitions is difficult. In the case of new developers seeking support for grassroots dApp projects, it is very difficult to meet the requirements to receive funding through EcoBoost, while funding through EcoFund requires projects to offer some sort of investment opportunity. Most grassroots projects in the early stages are just not able to offer an attractive package.
GrantShares offers an alternative avenue for seeding new development projects at a grassroots level and offers existing groups new opportunities for creativity as well as community growth. It will do so by reviewing smaller grant requests that do not fit in the scope of existing funding tracks provided by the Neo Eco Support. The ones that are deemed to be of high quality and have the potential to bring value to the Neo ecosystem will be approved.
Technically speaking, the GrantShares DAO has also the goal to serve as an example for the implementation of DAO-related projects in the future. We aim to create a generic governance model based on several projects in the blockchain industry, in which smart contracts could be extended/forked to foster new DAO/Governance projects.