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It is expected that the Neo Foundation commits an equivalent of 1,000,000 USD to the GrantShares program (in NEO, GAS, or other tokens) over approximately 12 months. The funds will be deposited in the treasury contract of the GrantShares DAO and the governance contract will be in charge of distributing the funds directly to recipients as proposals are approved by the GrantShares members.

Even though we start with Neo Foundation as the only funder, more entities can be added to the treasury. Additionally, we are looking into a design that allows the whole community to take part in project funding, even if it is only by small amounts.

The maximum amount of a request-for-funding proposals will be restricted to an equivilent amount of approx. 50,000 USD. For proposals that require funding beyond 50,000 USD, applicants should apply directly to the Neo Eco Support programs.